The com­pa­ny deli­vers com­ple­te and high­ly fle­xi­ble con­cepts and is a sys­tems sup­plier at all sta­ges of tra­de. The­se approa­ches are con­stant­ly deve­lo­ped accord­ing to the princip­le that poten­ti­al dupli­ca­ti­on amongst tra­de part­ners be kept to a mini­mum and the sales poten­ti­al in the respec­ti­ve group of com­pa­nies be main­tai­ned.
The aim is to opti­mi­se the use of the sales are­as of the tra­ding com­pa­nies.

The SILAG group’s suc­cess is based on con­si­de­ra­ti­on of the indi­vi­du­al requi­re­ments of tra­ding part­ners and the deman­ds of the mar­ket. SILAG also quick­ly takes advan­ta­ge of cur­rent mar­ket chan­ges.

SILAG is thus able to meet new chal­len­ges in an uncom­pli­ca­ted, extre­me­ly fle­xi­ble way. Many years of acqui­red know-how, high liqui­di­ty, excel­lent logistics resour­ces and the best of repu­ta­ti­ons ensu­re that the SILAG Group is the right tra­ding part­ner.
