Credit-eligible for the 15th time: SILAG Han­del AG has again demons­tra­ted its credit-worthiness. Once again, as in pre­vious years, the Bun­des­bank has awar­ded us the qua­li­ty rating of “credit-eligible“.

This highly-regarded rating pro­cess is a gene­ral­ly reco­gnis­ed and qua­li­fied busi­ness rating that depends on an inten­si­ve scru­ti­ny of annu­al state­ments and con­si­ders addi­tio­nal cri­te­ria such as cur­rent busi­ness deve­lo­p­ment and com­pa­ra­bi­li­ty figu­res from across the sec­tor. SILAG Han­del AG was cate­go­ri­sed as ful­ly credit-worthy. This assess­ment was bes­to­wed on only a small num­ber of com­pa­nies in North Rhi­ne West­pha­lia. Becau­se of this, amongst other things, SILAG Han­del AG has been able to con­ti­nue to be suc­cess­ful in the mar­ket des­pi­te the world eco­no­mic cri­sis that began in 2009.

The qua­li­ty rating is high­ly valued in ques­ti­ons of finan­cing and star­ting new busi­nes­ses, as it builds trust and offers secu­ri­ty, two pre-conditions that are inva­lu­able in tra­ding. SILAG Han­del AG thus sets a good examp­le and sup­ports the move to grea­ter trans­pa­ren­cy in the who­le­sa­le sec­tor.

Becau­se of its credit rating, SILAG Han­del AG can exe­cu­te major pro­jects through elec­tro­nic bonds at the level of cur­rent base rates.


The following table gives an overview of indicators for the years 2013 to 2017.