The faca­de of the wareh­ouse at the main head­quar­ters has been exten­ded into a “you can’t miss it” adver­ti­sing hoar­ding at a prime site that cuts across regi­ons. With an impres­si­ve size of around 500 m² and a dai­ly traf­fic fre­quen­cy of some 162 000 vehi­cles, we are able to offer the largest-size motor­way loca­ti­on in Ger­ma­ny on the A3 bet­ween Colo­gne and Düs­sel­dorf. Just as signi­fi­cant is the extra­or­di­na­ri­ly high impact brought about by the com­ple­te iso­la­ti­on and opti­mal legi­bi­li­ty of this huge space. We can reach the poten­ti­al cus­to­mer for 14 seconds, even at 120 km/h.

XXL-Fassadenwerbung Online

Site features:

    • Easi­ly legi­ble, car-friendly adver­ti­sing site on the three-lane A3
    • One of the busiest motor­ways in Ger­ma­ny bet­ween the motor­way inter­sec­tions of Colo­gne and Düs­sel­dorf (dai­ly traf­fic fre­quen­cy: approx. 162 000 vehi­cles)
    • Lar­gest adver­ti­sing area on a Ger­man motor­way
    • Legi­bi­li­ty of the site at a speed of 120 km/h: around 14 seconds over a stretch of 2.5 km
    • Com­ple­te iso­la­ti­on of the site when tra­vel­ling towards Düs­sel­dorf
    • WDCC = approx. 2.8 mil­li­on contacts/28 days (Weigh­ted Dai­ly Con­ta­ct Chan­ce)
    • GRP = 62 (Gross Rating Point)
Out­door adver­ti­sing brochu­re
