Know­ledge is afford­a­ble

In 2008, the trade­mark and name rights of publi­shing house Karl Mül­ler GmbH (Colo­gne, estab­lis­hed in 1967) were trans­fer­red to the owners­hip
of SILAG Media AG. In addi­ti­on to the resul­ting acqui­si­ti­on of signi­fi­cant brands as well as con­stant estab­lish­ment and intro­duc­tion on the mar­ket,
SILAG Media AG deals with the new deve­lo­p­ment and pro­duc­tion of books, sound record­ings and games in a very suc­cess­ful and abo­ve all consumer-oriented way.

Best­sel­ling know­ledge CD in Ger­ma­ny

Under the mot­to “we make know­ledge afford­a­ble”, SILAG Media AG is cur­r­ent­ly able to report sales of over 3 mil­li­on sound record­ings (equi­va­lent to 15x pla­ti­num) and 74 dif­fe­rent know­ledge topics with the seri­es “I KNOW SOMETHING – Albert E. Exp­lains the World”.

Sin­ce Novem­ber 2011, SILAG Media AG has also been aut­ho­ri­sed to use the regis­tered FSC® Chain-of-Custody trade­mark for the pro­duc­tion and retail of media pro­ducts. Pro­ducts with the FSC® seal go through an often long chain of dif­fe­rent sta­ges of retail and pro­ces­sing – the so-called pro­duct chain – which is review­ed by accredi­ted cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on bodies, from forest edge to final con­su­mer.


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