Ano­t­her of the SILAG concern’s uni­que sel­ling points is its huge sto­rage capa­ci­ties for the imple­men­ta­ti­on of major pro­jects. The busi­ness fiel­ds of sto­rage and logistics form the con­nec­tion bet­ween pro­cu­re­ment sources and dis­tri­bu­ti­on chan­nels becau­se it is here whe­re the fas­test pos­si­ble effi­ci­ent poten­ti­al for suc­cess is crea­ted.

A high level of auto­ma­ti­on and the latest tech­no­lo­gy in the are­as of IT, hand­ling, pack­a­ging, sto­rage and trans­port in the deli­very chain achie­ve far-reaching cost advan­ta­ges for the cus­to­mer. The main pro­cess chains are com­bi­ned, mea­ning logisti­cal work only has to be per­for­med once. Trans­port units are co-ordinated to mini­mi­se turn-over and hand­ling expen­se.

SILAG-Logistics in numbers:

  • 6 sites
  • Up to 500 employees
  • 220 000 m² sto­rage area
  • 300 000 pal­let spaces
  • 100 HGVs in dai­ly use
  • 300 000 pal­let move­ments (in / out) annu­al­ly
